Friday, July 30, 2010

Q 39) Identify X, Y and Z:

This movie is considered as X’s most controversial movie in his otherwise gem of a career. X wants to recreate the magic of Z, a journalist on screen with the help of Y, one of the 6 directors to have ever won Oscars for directing, producing and writing in the same year:

ANSWER: X is Steven Spielberg, Y is Peter Jackson and Z is Tintin
The picture shown is of the movie Munich of course. Spielberg is the director of the upcoming movie "Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorns" and Peter Jackson is one of the producers and is expected to direct the Tintin 2 movie

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Q 38) Connect with full explanation

a) "Do you know me"
b) O&M

ANSWER: The connect is American Express.
Explanation: A typical ad for the American Express Card began with a celebrity asking viewers: "Do you know me?" C F Frost ( the name Amex features on the sample cards in its ads) is a real person. He was an account executive for the advertising firm of Ogilvy & Mather, which put together the original "Do you know me?" ads for American Express. Ogilvy and Amex thought it would be convenient to use Frost's name on the sample ads rather than some phony moniker, which would probably turn out to be the real name who might sue for privacy infringement.

Vinay got it right.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Q 37) Identify

This building in US is one of the first of its kind in more ways than one. One of the most intriguing features of this building is its address. Digest this - If you were to look up its address on any map, you'd be pointed to the wrong location. This "vanity address" was deliberately chosen because the original address of where the building stands might be far too embarrassing given the business that is being carried out of it. What's the vanity address of this building ?
[ Hint - It's one of the newer buildings in the skyline ]

ANSWER: It is the new Goldman Sachs building in New York. Technically, it is on the MARGINAL Street, apparently not a "good" name to be associated with a giant investment bank. So, the vanity address "200 West Street" was requested and got the approval. Pratik's answer "Bank of America Tower" does have a vanity address but the story behind it is a bit different and was not the answer I was looking for.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Q 36) Identify the term X

Possible Origins of X are:

1)The term X came from the armor used in Medieval times. The armor which was worn was called Y. When the two knights were dueling and one attained the upper hand, he would give the other an alternative of life or death as the sword was pointed at his face
2)Centuries ago, in Scotland, sheep and cattle stealer would steal the cattle and then try to legitimize the theft by threatening to keep the animals unless the owner paid them rent for the grazing the animals had while they were stolen.
This became known as X.

ANSWER: X is Blackmail
pi-pu-xi-xu got it right with correct explanations

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Identify this Iconic personality

The Answer is Amjad Khan popularly known as Gabbar Singh. Ananya got it right

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Identify & Connect.

(Hint: The connect is just one word.. not 2!!)

Solution: Correct Answer by Ashray. But you missed out on the other 2 names.

1. SK Modi (Whistleblower - illegal mining in Bellary, Karnataka)

2. Jeffrey Wigand (Whistleblower - tobacco industry, based on whom the movie 'The Insider' was made)

3. Mark Whiteacre (Whistleblower- Lysine price fixing, based on whom the movie 'The Informant' was made)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Q.33 Identify the plane and tell what is special about it?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Q 32. Connect these pics

It not as hard as you think... ;)
Enter ur answers as a comment to this post.

Ans: Lyrics of Hotel California by The Eagles. Correct answers by Prachi and UK007.