Sunday, March 14, 2010

Q12. Etymology... Connect!

the answer is indeed 'Gerrymandering'... refer wikipedia/gerrymandering.. answered correctly by ashray and pi-pu...


pi-pu-xi-xu said...

Elbridge Gerry, the Massachusetts governor whose passig the bill that enabled a deliberate redrawing of the Massachusetts electoral borders into a sprawling salamander like shape to suit his party's political ends gave rise to the term- Gerrymandering. (stating the obvious- gerry + salamander)

Ashray said...

Gerry Mandering
1. california senate being gerrymandered
2.political cartoon showing a district essex county,massacchusets being gerrymandered as a dragon in 1812.
3.Elbridge gerry governer of massacchusets in 1812

Abir Seth said...

spot on! :)