A straightforward (well, almost) connect for starters.
Please leave your answers as comments. The correct answer will be put up tomorrow.
Okay, here we go. Sarath and Nabarun came close-ish to what I was looking for, albeit from different ends. The Shakespeare play on Henry VIII was The Merry Wives of Windsor- ole Hal had six of them, and Kishore Kumar did marry four times. The fun of the connect between these two serial wed-ders is-
Henry VIII's wives- Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, lived
Kishore Kumar's wives- Divorced, died, divorced, lived.
Beheading had been taken off the menu by the 20th century. The perils of being a plebeian, sigh.
Both were married four times?????
Ans: Alfred Hitchcock (Presents)!!!
i believe the connect is shakespeare..kk starred in some movie that was inspired by shakespeare's comedy of errors....below is hen viii
Moderator ji... Kindly enlighten us with the solution!!!!
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