Thursday, March 11, 2010

Q4. Basketball

This man has been immortalized in some way. How?

Answers tomorrow.

Answer : His silhouette being incorporated into the NBA logo

Ok to settle the issue. Jerry West and NBA logo was good enough. Namrata,Nagraj got it right in that order. Aragorn(Why is he famous?) .So congrats Namrata.


NEWGIRL said...

This is Jerry West. His left hand is used as NBA logo. :)

Unknown said...

Jerry West

nagraj c. said...

He is Jerry West; He is the guy on the NBA logo, not just his hand LOL

NEWGIRL said...

Dude, i thght the concept started with hid hand so i worte it .. its not like they can put his hand and sumbody else s body!!!! duh@!!!