Thursday, March 18, 2010

Q 19. Connect: Personal Fav

Connect : "Stay hungry stay foolish"

Steve Jobs attire (pic1)- the trademark steve jobs attire that he wears to every keynote address
Stanford University emblem(pic2)- Where steve jobs delivered his famous "stay hungry, stay foolish" speech
Jam Magazine (Pic3) editor- Rashmi bansal, author of the book- Stay hungry stay foolish

Somani and UK007--bang on :)


Gaurav Somani said...

Rashmi Bansal

my space said...

@ Somani- elaborate, albeit hav a hunch u are thinking its easier than it is :P

UK007 said...

Steve Jobs'(pic1) famous speech at the Stanford Univ.(pic2) in 2005 where he quotes one of his ideals- 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish'.(pic3)

Gaurav Somani said...

"Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"

Steve Jobs uses this phrase in his Stanford university commencement speech.

Jam Magazine editor Rashmi Bansal book is titled "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"